Operates the computer skilled, Using AUTOCAD, CAXA skillfully, to go for a circuit system design, drawing independently; 熟练操作计算机,熟练运用AUTOCAD、CAXA进行电路系统设计、制图;
OK, now go down to the basement and find the circuit box. 好,现在到地库找电箱。
He said he wanted to go on the speaking circuit and maybe do some writing. 他说他希望能够继续自己的演说生活,或者写一些东西。
The fuse will automatically go before a short circuit can do much harm. 在短路能造成很大危害之前,保险丝能够自动熔断。
Now where have you got to? OK, now go down to the basement and find the circuit box. 现在你又跑到那儿去了?好,现在到地库找电箱。
You'll have to go over the circuit, it seems to be confused. 你必须检查一下电路,它似乎有些乱。
We had better go over the circuit once more. 我们最细好把线路再检查一遍。
The phenomenon of turn to turn fault developing as time go on, a model of transformer progressive short circuit fault put forward, the model based on a trigonometric function with the amplitude increasing with the time was proposed to simulate the progressive fault current. 针对变压器发生匝间短路,并且短路匝数随时间增大的现象,提出了变压器发展性短路故障模型,本模型基于一个幅值随时间增加的三角函数来模拟连续发展的故障电流;
The signal process printed circuit with programmable array in advanced CMOS chip FPGA and DSP for core, go together with the memorizer in big capacity, connect interface electric circuit with the necessary outer circle electric circuit. 信号处理板以先进的可编程阵列芯片FPGA+DSP芯片为核心,配以大容量存储器、接口电路和必要的外围电路。